
My name is Radhika Mukherjee and I write this blog.

This is me:

Radhika Mukherjee

**Writer, Dreamer, Photographer, Trainer, Editor, Blogger, Avid Reader, Feminist, Environmentalist, Music Lover!**

I have wanted to be a writer my entire life and am getting there in slow patient steps, through many detours. This blog is my attempt to connect to the world and to myself; through words and pictures. Braving many odds… A light peeking out from deep under the shadows…

In reaching for my dreams I published a book of short stories “Our Particular Shadows” on 19th January 2013 through Amazon. It was available for 3 months and was an intense learning experience for me. I plan to re-release it with a bonus story and a revised cover very soon!

My second book of short stories, Broken Shadows was released in March 2016 to heartening critical acclaim.

Check it out on Goodreads!

Buy the Broken Shadows eBook for $0.99 on Amazon!

Currently I am writing fiction, blogging and working on a few amazing secret projects!

More details can be found on my main website: RadhikaMukherjee (Under Construction)

You can also sign up for my massively awesome monthly newsletter to get the best of my content once every month! If you want to get to know me better, my warm and intimate newsletter is the best way!

Click Here to Subscribe!

Thanks and go in peace.

Reach for your dreams!

**** Plant some trees ****

34 thoughts on “Radhika

  1. This is an amazing blog you have! I love your talent in writing poetry 🙂 Loved them from start to finish. Best wishes for your future! – Michelle

    Liked by 1 person

  2. HI Radhika, nice to meet you. Your writing has a wonderful honesty and passion. I wish you inner joy and outer success with it.
    Thank you for following our blog. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey. And don’t be a stranger – feel free to join the conversation.
    Cheers, and happy writing

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Alison! Wonderful to meet you! Welcome to Light Under Shadow! 🙂
      Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. They mean a lot to me! 🙂
      Looking forward to exploring your blog more fully!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for the follow! And may I say your lyrical poetry is exquisite !
    I look forward to reading more 🙂
    With much light


  4. Hey Radhika ……. super ma……….. i like ur poems……………………………………………………………………….


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